A variety of techniques and methods can be used to help children and adolescents who are experiencing difficulties with their emotions or behavior. Playing, drawing, and pretending, as well as talking, are utilized to share feelings and resolve problems. Children/adolescents will receive emotional support, resolve conflicts, understand feelings and problems, and learn new ways of facing emotional, behavioral, social, and/or academic challenges. Goals for therapy may be specific or more general and the length of psychotherapy will depend on the complexity and severity of problems.

Psychotherapy can help clients to identify problems, cope with associated feelings, change undesirable behaviors, improve relationships, and adjust thinking patterns that may be contributing to negative thoughts/behaviors. Brett’s role is to provide you with the support and tools necessary to identify challenges and make positive change; a process that can be brief or long-term and is unique to each client. You can expect the psychotherapeutic process to include a thorough assessment of your current situation, identification of personal stressors, directed goal setting, and an ongoing reassessment of progress.

Family therapy can help family members improve communication and resolve conflicts. Treatment can be short or long-term and may include all family members or just those willing to participate. Sessions will teach you skills to face interfamilial adversity and deepen connections by examining your family unit's ability to communicate and problem solve. The process may also involve exploration of family roles, rules and behavior patterns, as well as strengths/weaknesses to help provide skills to cope with challenging situations in a more effective way.

The Collaborative Divorce process allows the couple and family seeking separation/divorce to have legal, financial, and emotional support during a difficult time of transition, without going to court. By not pursuing litigation, you are giving yourself the best chances of preserving a relationship with your spouse, particularly if you are going to be co-parenting. Through the support of a team involving two Attorneys, a Financial Neutral and Collaborative Divorce Coach, you are able to address your family's unique needs and explore creative solutions to come to a mutually acceptable durable agreement.